I’m surprised that in the contemporary medical world, the role of relationships is not addressed at all. In fact, my new patients often are surprised when I ask them about their emotions and relationships. 

The emotional balance in our relationships is essential to our overall health. When we manage our relationships, we can maintain security, love, and trust in ourselves and others.

My approach is to provide practical guidance for understanding and managing emotions within all kinds of relationships.

Relationships require balance, understanding, and emotional intelligence in today’s fast-paced and politically polarized world. In my work, I’ve witnessed the profound transformation that happens when we apply a touch of mindfulness to our connections.

Emotionally balanced relationships are healthy, nurturing, and rooted in mutual respect and honest communication. Whether it’s with a family member, friends, or a romantic partner, achieving this balance can improve your relationship significantly. Let’s take a closer look at how to achieve and maintain emotional harmony in all our relationships

  1. Emotional Self-awareness: The Starting Point

Relationship issues happen when two people don’t understand each other or communicate well. So, before examining your existing relationship or diving into a new one, it is essential to understand yourself. It is unreasonable to ask another person to understand you when you don’t know why certain things bother you or, even more when you know you have an unresolved trauma.

Ask yourself: Why do I respond in a certain way to a particular situation? What is the source of my anger or anxiety? How can I better understand and express myself to communicate more effectively with others? Becoming self-aware is an important step in maintaining relationships since it helps us gain control over our emotions and reactions.

  • How do I process emotions?
  • What triggers might upset this balance?
  • How do I react under pressure

Journaling can be a great start. Dedicate a few minutes every evening to write down your feelings. Over time, you’ll notice patterns and better understand your emotional landscape.

All the techniques below are dependent on this self-awareness.

2. Strive For a Clear and Compassionate Communication

Unfortunately, chronic misunderstanding is what often kills any relationship. The key here is to develop a style for communication, fine-tune it, and maintain it. 

Here are some strategies you might have already heard of:

  • Active Listening: Instead of thinking of a response while the other person is speaking, try to listen. Pause before talking, considering everything you just heard. If you need clarification, ask for it before stating your opinion.
  • Communicate your feelings instead of throwing accusations. Don’t attack – it never works anyway. Instead of saying, “You always forget our plans, say: “I feel hurt when we make plans and don’t follow up on them.” It prevents the other person from becoming defensive and opens the possibility of a pattern resolution.

3. Set Boundaries

Your boundaries are based on your core values and their priorities. It is unreasonable to expect everybody to share the same values as you are. However, it is crucial that you and your loved ones have very similar values that are set with similar priorities.

A concept of boundaries is present in every relationship. Boundaries preserve your and other people’s emotional well-being. You have to make your needs known to others and ensure you understand the boundaries of others. And, as always, clear communication with love and respect will open many doors for you.

Understand your requirements for space: Recognizing your need for personal space is crucial to your physical and emotional health. It is a prerequisite for communication with others and helps with personal growth and comfort.

  • Communicate your boundaries to others with respect: Approach these conversations with empathy and clarity, ensuring your needs are known while you are honoring the feelings of others.

  1. Understand the Language of Love 

 It is more complex. However, Dr. Gary Chapman’s “The Five Love Languages” concept is a good start. It’s a tool for understanding how we express and receive love. Knowing how your partner interprets love will allow you to develop a deeper connection. 

Also, just paying attention and observing your partner will give you much information about their preferences, feelings, and emotional needs.

  1. Address the Elephant in the Room

Don’t let issues fester. Generally, they don’t disappear; instead, they become more complicated. If something’s bothering you, approach the topic calmly. Let the other person know how you feel and devise a solution together. Team up to create a solution.

  1. Set Aside Quality Time

Date nights or weekend gateways are a must. Shared memories and experiences create lasting bonds, especially in nature or old cities with history and art.

  1. Apologize

Maybe you heard about Ho’oponopono –  self-forgiveness, reconciliation, and repentance prayer. Mistakes happen. Accept responsibility, express regret, and try your hardest not to repeat the same mistake.

  • The Ho’oponopono Mantra consists of 4 simple steps or phrases. You can chant them in your mind or out loud for a few minutes.

I Love You
I’m Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You

  1. We Change and Circumstances Change

As time passes, we grow and develop, and others also go through personal changes. Priorities change, bodies change, kids grow up, and other things happen.

Relationships evolve, just like people. It is a separate entity that needs love and care to be beautiful. It is never to be taken for granted. Look at it as a flower in your garden that you cherish. 

  1. Help is Around the Corner

We get busy with events and priorities that happen in our lives. We all experience life-changing events. With time, relationship patterns might outgrow themselves and stop working. It is important to recognize it in time and seek help. There is no shame in it. What would be the shame is to let it deteriorate with time, unattended. Emotions and behavioral patterns get deeply embedded not only in our minds but in our physical bodies. There are mind-body techniques that release emotional baggage, often within minutes. 

  1. Celebrate the Good Times

Through my clinical practice, I have seen many people at different stages of their lives. On the top of the list of what makes people resentful is that they don’t recognize and celebrate little or even big wins or events worthy of celebration. And what makes something worthy of celebration is what you decide. 

Make time to cherish something that makes you happy. Build good memories together to fall back on them during challenging times. 

Nobody achieves emotionally balanced relationships overnight. It requires consistent effort, understanding, and mutual respect. 

As someone who helped many people achieve inner piece, I can assure you that investing in relationship wellness is worth every effort. I can see it in my clients and rejoice every time I observe their improved relationships.

By integrating these strategies into your everyday life, you’ll be well on your way to creating and maintaining relationships that are not only balanced but also deeply fulfilling. 

Remember, the desire for a deeply emotional and intimate connection is at the heart of every relationship. 

Be mindful of that, nurture yourself and others, and the rest will fall into place.

Personalized Approach

One size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare. We have unique requirements based on our genetics, lifestyle choices, and individual needs. I always provide a personalized approach to healthcare, allowing us to assess your needs accurately.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and embrace a proactive approach to preventive care, contact me today to schedule your session and start your journey to your health and happiness.

With this practical information, you can have a competitive advantage. You will understand your body and mind better and capitalize on your strengths. This way, I will help you develop a plan to strengthen your weak points in a deliberate and educated manner. No more guessing – the science is here to help you achieve your goals and peak performance.


Dr. Maya Sarkisyan 

If this information picked your curiosity, let me know by emailing me [email protected] and ask for more interesting and relevant information.

Stay tuned and discover “The True Story About Your Health”.

Disclaimer: This is a general information only. Consult with Dr. Maya Sarkisyan before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. 
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