You might already know that your body is not just a physical entity but a profound storyteller, telling you stories of emotions, experiences, and identities you experience throughout your life. Each physical symptom, a whisper or sometimes a scream, is a dialogue about your inner world. How about instead of looking at symptoms as painful inconveniences you choose to look at them as signals?

By tuning in to these signals, you can learn to navigate life’s complexities with greater awareness and well-being, and create a better life.


The Empowering Story Your Body Tells

Imagine your body as a wise sage, communicating through sensations and symptoms. This dialogue can be incredibly empowering. For instance, consider the common experience of a tension headache during stressful events. Rather than merely a discomfort to be silenced, it’s a narrative about your body’s response to stress or even response to some old memory surfacing subconsciously. Recognizing this, you can take proactive steps to address not just the symptom but its emotional root.


Notice How Your Identities Shape You: “I’m the Type of Person Who…”

Our identities shape and are shaped by our bodily experiences. “I’m the type of person who powers through pain” or “I’m sensitive to stress” or “I’m a survivor” are not just self-descriptions but insights into how we interact with our physical selves. 

For instance, someone who identifies as a ‘worrier’ might notice gastrointestinal discomfort in times of anxiety. Acknowledging this connection empowers you to address not just the physical discomfort but also the underlying worry. Your identities are closely related to your belief systems, core values, and behaviors – conscious or subconscious. Updating and upgrading your identities throughout your life is essential to living harmoniously and with awareness. Working on your issues on the level of identity is perhaps the most powerful improvement available to you. This is where my patients get the most benefit.

Habits and Their Physical Echoes

Your daily habits, from your diet to your exercise routines, are in constant conversation with your body. Sloppy mental habits that put you in an unresourceful state create physical habits that weaken your body.

 A sedentary lifestyle might speak through back pain, while a high-sugar diet might communicate through energy crashes. These symptoms are your body’s way of guiding you towards healthier habits. Changing your mindset first will help you to start implementing small changes, like introducing more movement or adjusting your diet.

Pivoting Through Life’s Events via Bodily Cues

Life is a series of events and transitions, and our bodies are adept at signaling how these affect us. A significant life change, like a job loss or a new relationship, can manifest physically. Insomnia, appetite changes, or new aches and pains can all be ways your body expresses adjustment to these events. By listening to these cues, you can notice what triggers you, perhaps the unresolved trauma in the past has something to do with it. Your mind stores a lot in your subconscious, and some, even insignificant events can bring up feelings. Your body will communicate your feelings via physical sensations. If negative emotions become chronic, your body will manifest them as chronic health conditions. 

I believe it to be enough motivation to better navigate these life pivots, taking steps to support both your emotional and physical health.

Tuning In: The Art of Understanding Your Body’s Language

To truly understand the messages your body is sending, a conscious effort to tune in is super important. This can be done through meditation, journaling, or simply spending a few moments each day checking in with yourself physically and emotionally. This mindfulness can transform how you interpret physical symptoms, seeing them not as inconveniences but as valuable insights into your emotional state.

In my practice, NET – Neuro Emotional Technique, is the most effective modality to tune in, identify, and neutralize limiting or negative emotion that is manifesting as an obstacle to achieving something you want or as a physical symptom. I often pair it up with EFT aka “tapping” and/or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to help you literally rewire your mental pathways the way you see fit, so you are in charge of your emotions and free of the past hurts. 

You Can Have a Better Future

Your every reaction turns you to a different direction with certain consequences. Your body’s communication is a complex symphony of signals, each serving as an invitation to understand and care for yourself better. 

By recognizing the emotional stories behind physical symptoms, embracing the insights they offer about your identities and habits, and learning to consciously pivot with life’s events through bodily cues, you can achieve a deeper, more harmonious connection between mind, body, and soul. Listen closely; your body has much to say, and its words are a guide to healing and growth.

Holiday Special

Restore your Mental Health after the Holiday Season. 

Holidays can bring up a lot of emotions. Whether it’s family dynamics, negative associations, or painful memories – it all can be intensified with holiday festivities. 

I’m offering a special 3-session “holiday” package to work it through, rewire your thought patterns, and return to a good state of mind. Special $525 (value $600). 

Schedule Today 

or by calling or texting at 561-570-6292 your contact information.


For examples of what to expect please visit the Emotions page

Personalized Approach

One size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare. We have unique requirements based on our genetics, lifestyle choices, and individual needs. I always provide a personalized approach to healthcare, allowing us to assess your needs accurately.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and embrace a proactive approach to preventive care, contact me today to schedule your session and start your journey to your health and happiness.

With this practical information, you can have a competitive advantage. You will understand your body and mind better and capitalize on your strengths. This way, I will help you develop a plan to strengthen your weak points in a deliberate and educated manner. No more guessing – the science is here to help you achieve your goals and peak performance.


Dr. Maya Sarkisyan 

If this information picked your curiosity, let me know by emailing me [email protected] and ask for more interesting and relevant information.

Stay tuned and discover “The True Story About Your Health”.

Disclaimer: This is a general information only. Consult with Dr. Maya Sarkisyan before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. 
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