Dr. Maya Sarkisyan, D.O.M

10 October 2019

Today I’ll share with you what I know about melatonin and how to take it if necessary.

You probably know it’s something about sleep and circadian rhythm, but it’s not the whole story.

I’m all for the natural and authentic lifestyle, and to not take anything at all if unnecessary. You can adjust many imbalances and heal many disorders by changing your habits and lifestyle. However, the environment around us does create a significant disruption to our natural body rhythm and functions, and I’m glad to bring you the latest scientific research on what you can do to correct it.

There is much more that can be done for the healthy uninterrupted sleep beside taking supplemental melatonin. Let me know if you are interested, and I’ll write another article on that subject.

And now… Melatonin!

The melatonin is naturally synthesized by pineal gland from serotonin. It is also produced by the retina, lens, and GI tract.
It regulates sleep and waking, it increases in the dark and dramatically decreases when you are exposed to bright light.

Endogenous (means internal natural) melatonin production starts 2 hours before bedtime provided the light around you is dim.

The melatonin mediates body’s response to variations of light due to seasons, and disruption in melatonin levels can lead to interrupted sleep.

Melatonin and cortisol (your stress hormone) are related inversely – when cortisol levels are low – melatonin is high and vice versa. Maintaining correct melatonin curve through 24 hours dramatically helps to fight stress. We all know what all-nighters do to our body and mind, especially later in life.

Besides being well known in association with sleep melatonin has many other significant roles.

  • Melatonin has an influence on many body functions such as inflammation, stress response, sleep, metabolism, and immune system.
  • It stimulates your immune system, and when decreased it is hard for your body to fight infections.
  • It is an antioxidant found almost in every type of cell in the body. So it helps to fight free radicals and protect you from danger.
  • It certainly plays a significant role in mood support and anti-aging.

What can decrease melatonin?

Anything decreasing melatonin contributes to lower immune function and rapid aging process.

  • Blue light – most commercial lights are blue. Blue light of LED-backlit computer screen dramatically suppresses melatonin.
  • Medication – aspirin, ibuprofen, benzodiazepine, HBP medication
    alcohol less than 4 hours n=before bed
  • Age > 55.
  • Some lifestyle choices – sleep patterns, high stress, coffee even in the morning, deficiencies in B6, iron, folate, tryptophan, SAMe

How much light do you need?

Full spectrum light contributes to surpassing melatonin during the day, and it’s good for keeping a healthy circadian rhythm. You need to be exposed to full spectrum light 20-40 minutes a day.

If you are exposed to bright light during the day, it can counterbalance the exposure to blue light from computer screens or any other electronics in the evening.

Misperception about melatonin is that the supplementation of it will suppress the natural production of it. The clinical research data doesn’t support it. So, occasional use of it is ok, but, still, for the long term, it is much better to adjust your lifestyle.

Melatonin is found to be valuable in the treatment of migraines, IBS, it is anti-inflammatory, and it is an antioxidant. The standard curve of melatonin levels in the body protects you from cancer and decreases beta-amyloid to protect the brain.

Research shows that melatonin supplementation actually increases serotonin levels and helps to fight depression.

How much of melatonin can I take?

Slow release formulations are 0.3 mg and 0.5 mg of melatonin are more useful than higher doses for helping with sleep.
The higher doses of melatonin like 6mg are adequate to help you to regulate night sweats and cool you down during the night.
There will be no withdrawal effects if you take it and then discontinue it.

Funny, that often, if taken in high doses, melatonin will not help sleep as well as in low doses. Counteractive to conventional logic. It proves that any supplements and herbs taken have their own way of interacting with other chemicals in your body.

What forms of melatonin exist? Very important to know.

The immediate release formulation has an effect for up to 60 min – to initiate sleep if you have problems falling asleep.

The sustained release formulations gradually release melatonin for over 6-8 hours. You might choose it if you have a difficulty staying asleep.

When to take melatonin?

Ideal time – 6 hours before the desired time of mid-sleep.
An example: If you want to sleep from 11pm – 7 am you should take melatonin at 9pm.
If it is sublingual, chewable or liquid – it might work faster so should be taken closer to bedtime.
If it is in the extended release formulation – take it at bedtime.

The Conclusion

The sleep disturbances can be a symptom of more significant issues, and it is a much more responsible choice to seek the help of a holistic physician to be evaluated appropriately. We are trained and educated to select the best supplements possible for a different presentation of symptoms.

Please take the information above as an educational guideline, evaluate your lifestyle, turn off your electronics 2 hours before bedtime, and… have a good night sleep.

If this information picked your curiosity, let me know by emailing me [email protected] and ask for more interesting and relevant information.

Stay tuned and discover “The True Story About Your Health”.

Disclaimer: This is a general information only. Consult with Dr. Maya Sarkisyan before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. 
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