Why True Wellness Starts with Your Mind: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
By Dr. Maya

Most of us like to think we’re logical creatures who make rational choices about our health and well-being. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that our daily decisions—everything from what we eat to how we respond to stress—are shaped by a collection of beliefs we carry around, often without even realizing it.

In many ways, these beliefs function like hidden scripts, guiding our actions on autopilot. If you want to create lasting improvements in your overall wellness—physical, emotional, and even spiritual—the first step is to examine these scripts. Only then can you replace the ones holding you back with beliefs that fuel genuine growth.

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

A limiting belief is any assumption or conviction that constrains how you see yourself or your abilities. You might think, “I’m just not a morning person,” or “I can’t manage my stress effectively.” Statements like these aren’t necessarily grounded in fact; they’re conclusions we’ve arrived at through past experiences, stories we’ve heard, or fears of failure. And when repeated often enough, they become part of our identity.

  • Example: If you believe you’re “bad at managing stress,” you’ll probably avoid taking on new challenges or assume stress-management techniques won’t work for you. This self-fulfilling cycle keeps you stuck in the very situation you dislike.

How Beliefs Shape Our Actions

Think of your daily habits as the outward expression of your inner mindset. If you believe you lack discipline, you’ll likely skip that morning workout. If you believe healthy eating is too difficult for someone with your lifestyle, you’ll continue to gravitate toward processed foods and late-night snacks.

Here’s the paradox: The more you reinforce a limiting belief through your actions, the stronger it becomes. Each time you “prove” yourself right by following the same unhelpful pattern, the belief embeds itself more firmly in your sense of identity.

  • Belief → Action → Reinforcement
  • “I’m bad at dealing with stress” → Avoid practicing new coping strategies → “See, I really can’t manage stress.”

Breaking this loop isn’t just a matter of willpower; it’s about rewriting the script that drives your daily choices.



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 Identifying Your Hidden Scripts

  1. Notice Repetitive Thoughts
    Pay attention to the thoughts that crop up when you face a challenge. If you catch yourself saying, “This is impossible,” or “I always screw this up,” you’ve unearthed a limiting belief.


  2. Question the Origin
    Ask: “When did I first start thinking this way? Is there actual evidence that I can’t do this?” Often, we attribute too much power to beliefs that originated from a single past failure or someone else’s opinion.


  3. Reframe for Possibility
    Instead of saying “I can’t manage stress,” swap it for a more open-ended statement like, “I’m learning to handle stress in better ways.” This shift might seem small, but it creates space for new actions and possibilities.


The Mind-Body Connection

Wellness isn’t limited to whether you can lift a certain weight or maintain a certain diet. It’s a holistic state that involves your emotions, mindset, and spiritual well-being. Often, physical symptoms—like tension headaches or chronic fatigue—can stem from emotional stress or a pervasive sense of hopelessness.

  • Example: If you believe, “No matter what I do, I’ll never get healthy,” then small lapses in diet or exercise become excuses to give up entirely. Conversely, if you accept the idea that “Each day is a new chance to improve,” you’re more likely to persist despite setbacks.

Taking Action: Reprogram Your Mind for Wellness

  1. Start with Small Wins
    Identify a single habit you can modify—something as simple as adding a five-minute breathing exercise to your morning routine or opting for water instead of soda. Each small success works like a vote for your new identity: “I’m someone who takes care of my well-being.”


  2. Track Your Progress
    James Clear’s “Habit Tracking” concept can be incredibly powerful here. Use a simple calendar or app to mark each day you complete your new habit. This visual record builds motivation, reinforcing the belief that you can make changes.


  3. Surround Yourself with Support
    Seek out people, books, or communities that reinforce the mindset you want to adopt. When your environment aligns with your goals, it’s easier to stay consistent and rewrite old scripts.


  4. Embrace Incremental Improvement
    True wellness is a long game. You don’t transform decades of limiting beliefs overnight. By focusing on daily, incremental shifts, you steadily dismantle old patterns and install new, empowering beliefs in their place.


The human body can endure amazing challenges, and the mind is even more adaptable than we realize. Limiting beliefs are the hidden barriers that keep us from tapping into that potential. By shining a light on these mental scripts and deliberately replacing them with more constructive ones, you set the stage for a level of wellness that goes beyond just looking good or feeling good—it becomes a lasting way of life.

You don’t have to overhaul your mindset overnight. The path to true wellness is built on small, deliberate steps, repeated consistently. Choose one limiting belief, question it, and replace it with a more empowering perspective. Start there, and before you know it, your mind—and your body—will begin moving in the direction of genuine, holistic well-being.

All the knowledge you benefit from here comes from years of my clinical experience, powered by the best ancient and super-scientific medicine, and inspired by continues education from leading-edge institutes and ancient holistic wisdom.

Personalized Approach

One size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare. We have unique requirements based on our genetics, lifestyle choices, and individual needs. I always provide a personalized approach to healthcare, allowing us to assess your needs accurately.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and embrace a proactive approach to preventive care, contact me today to schedule your session and start your journey to your health and happiness.

With this practical information, you can have a competitive advantage. You will understand your body and mind better and capitalize on your strengths. This way, I will help you develop a plan to strengthen your weak points in a deliberate and educated manner. No more guessing – the science is here to help you achieve your goals and peak performance.


Dr. Maya Sarkisyan 

If this information picked your curiosity, let me know by emailing me [email protected] and ask for more interesting and relevant information.

Stay tuned and discover “The True Story About Your Health”.

Disclaimer: This is a general information only. Consult with Dr. Maya Sarkisyan before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. 
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