Functional & Nutritional DNA Testing

Whether or not you choose to “see” genes, they are always there and play an important role in one’s health.  With genomic testing, by choosing to look at them, you can influence the ultimate outcome and more actively promote a healthy life.

Nutri-Genetic and Epi-Genetic Testing and Consulting


Lifestyle and Nutrition Plan based on your DNA profile.

Saliva DNA testing is the most accurate, comprehensive and economical way to identify your genetic predisposition. No more guessing about what is best for you. Your body knows it!

We are HIPPA compliant, so your information stays confidential.

Create precise, targeted, individualized nutrition


Prevent health problems 


Identify key areas for attention


Make sure your doctor visits match your DNA needs


Identify “hidden” nutritional gene mutations that may cause disease   

Our personal GENOMIC TEST is a packaged solution containing:

  • 150+ DNA gene mutations that impact your health
  • Consultation with the doctor specializing in genetic analysis
  • Custom nutrition planning based on your DNA results
  • E-book with DNA-specific foods and recipes

 Take action to identify the most important lifestyle and nutritional actions based on your PERSONAL, unique genetic profile.

Our tests are designed from the most current science, and offer the most comprehensive genomic analysis in an easy-to-read report, with action steps to help me to create the perfect treatment plan for you.

There tests give you a valuable insight to information such as:

Lipid Metabolism

Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes


Sodium Sensitivity


Omega 3 and Omega 6

Vitamins – B2, B6, B12, C, D, E


Methylation – Folate and cofactors

Heavy Metals Toxicity predisposition

Drug Resisitance

Caffeine Metabolism

Coeliac Disease

Lactose Intolerance

Oxidative Stress

Phase I and Phase II Detoxification

Weight management

Immune system responces

HPA axis and stress responses

Sleep and seasonal variations

Physiogenomic Integration of Genetic and Functional Variability

and more…


Includes consultation with recommendations – at the clinic, phone, or Skype. You can pick up the kit at my clinic or have it mailed to your home.  

Interpretation of DNA Results is Included


We live in times with amazing scientific discoveries available to us. Besides functional testing such as nutrient levels, food sensitivities and hormone tests, we now can get complete details on our DNA, something unthinkable even 20 years ago.

DNA testing is now very popular, and genetic labs offer various tests. They range from rare genetic trait disorders to pharmaco-genomics to nutri-genomics and so on.

Companies like 23andMe and Ancestry offer ancestry information plus selected genetic facts mostly for entertainment. But broader genetic testing can offer you so much more.

We analyze your DNA data and create a tailored lifestyle plan to prevent disease and enhance your strengths.

Several biological scientific research projects are now identifying and mapping all the genes of the human genome from a physical and functional standpoint. You are unique and so you require a unique medical approach. So far, we have about 30,000 genes mapped and defined. 

Your unique biological genetic makeup is now available to you in a form of a prescription, like a manual for a complex and expensive machine. I’m talking specifically about “functional genetics” testing – how your body operates on day-to-day basis – how you process fat or caffeine, synthesize vitamins and other nutrients, what kind of exercise is suitable for you, how to lose or gain weight, even your genetic ability to protect yourself from toxic stress and environment. Your profile also indicates your susceptibility to drugs penetrating your blood brain barrier, whether you are subject to celiac disease and lactose intolerance and so on.

Your DNA doesn’t change as you age. Analyzing it enables a nutritional and supplementation action plan to strengthen deficiencies and enhance virtues, to activate your protective genes against disease. 


(800) 590-6292

5301 N Federal Hwy, #200, Boca Raton, FL 33487

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