Your DNA, your genetic code, is your first inherited physical and intellectual property. It’s important to know what it is and what can be done with it. As an expert in integrative medicine with advanced certification in genetic analysis, I want to emphasize the significance of understanding your genetic makeup, especially in relation to your Hormones, Emotions, Gut, and Nutrition, as all of these aspects are affected by genes and epigenetic components.

In this blog post, I invite you to explore the transformative power of knowing your genetic makeup and how it can shape your journey towards unlocking your full potential. Let’s dive into the importance of personalized nutrition, emotional well-being, gut health, and hormonal balance, all influenced by your unique genetic blueprint.

We live in extraordinary times of total globalization and rapid technological advancements. With information at our fingertips, it’s crucial to harness the power of knowledge. By understanding your genetic makeup, you gain insights into your body’s needs and tendencies, allowing you to make informed choices that can positively impact your health and well-being.

My journey as a holistic medicine doctor and my background in software engineering have shaped my perspective on interconnectedness and global systems. It led me to explore the fascinating world of Oriental medicine and functional medicine, where I discovered the profound influence of genetics on our physical and mental states.

Knowing your genetic makeup empowers you to tailor your nutrition to your specific needs. With functional medicine testing, you can gain insights into your body’s current challenges and deficiencies and optimize your lifestyle and nutrition for peak performance and overall well-being. It’s an invaluable tool in supporting your body’s unique requirements.

Understanding your genetic makeup can shed light on your emotional well-being. Certain genes, such as those associated with magnesium and zinc metabolism, impact mood regulation, stress management, and emotional balance. By addressing these genetic factors, you can support your emotions and cultivate resilience.

Gut health is another crucial aspect influenced by genetics. Your genetic makeup plays a role in determining your gut microbiome composition, affecting your digestion, immune system, and overall health. By understanding your genetic predispositions, you can make informed choices to nurture a healthy gut and support optimal digestion.

Hormonal balance is intricately linked to your genetic makeup. Genetic variations can influence hormone production and metabolism. Uncovering these genetic factors allows you to gain insights into your hormonal profile and make targeted interventions to support hormonal balance.

We are in an era where personalization is key to unlocking human potential. By knowing your genetic makeup and understanding how it affects your hormones, emotions, gut, and nutrition, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and optimization. Embrace the power of personalized medicine and genetics to unleash your true potential and live a life of vitality.

If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me. Together, we can explore your genetic makeup, identify areas for improvement, and develop a personalized plan to optimize your health and well-being.

Let’s unlock the secrets hidden within your genes and embark on a remarkable journey toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life.

Personalized Approach

One size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare. We have unique requirements based on our genetics, lifestyle choices, and individual needs. I always provide a personalized approach to healthcare, allowing us to assess your individual needs accurately.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and embrace a proactive approach to preventive care, contact me today to schedule your session and start you on the way to your health and happiness.

With this practical information, you will be able to have a competitive advantage. You will understand your body and mind better and capitalize on your strengths. This way, I will help you develop a plan to strengthen your weak points in a deliberate and educated manner. No more guessing – the science is here to help you achieve your goals and achieve your peak performance.


Dr. Maya Sarkisyan 

If this information picked your curiosity, let me know by emailing me [email protected] and ask for more interesting and relevant information.

Stay tuned and discover “The True Story About Your Health”.

Disclaimer: This is a general information only. Consult with Dr. Maya Sarkisyan before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. 
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